Archive for month: July, 2012

Book: Città del Vaticano

Image of the coat of arms of Vatican City in front cover. Bibliographic level: monograph. Author: Francesco Clementi. Title: Città […]

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Book: Ancora e Gladio – Il Corpo delle Armi Navali

Picture of the badge of rank of Corvette Captain in the background in the front cover. Bibliographic level: monograph. Title: […]

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Book: Araldica della Regia Aeronautica

Picture of the coat of arms of Italy during the Fascist period on the back cover. Bibliographic level: monograph. Authors: […]

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The Didot typeface, similar to Bodoni, was created by Firmin Didot at the end of the eighteenth century. As the […]

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The typeface Nilo was created from the schemes displayed in the Manuale dell’architetto (Architect Handbook) that follow the character construction […]

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The Bodoni typeface was created by Giovanni Battista Bodoni at the end of the eighteenth century. Very popular in the […]

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