Shadow of the Beast II T-shirt

In the first in box edition of Shadow of the Beast II for Amiga or Atari ST, whose cover we re-proposed in this article, there was also a black T-shirt with the logo and the design of the mechanical frogs from the illustration of the cover.

It therefore seemed inevitable to reconstruct, starting from scratch, and also re-propose this interesting graphics. We removed the red splashes, made the edges of the frogs of the same thickness and finally adding the eyes to them.


File type: image/png Download size: 10.34 MB Date added or updated: 7 July 2024 Download link:
Download Beast-II-T-shirt.png


File type: image/png Download size: 450.38 KB Date added or updated: 16 June 2024 Download link:
Download Beast-II-Logo.png


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